Readings may be announced thus:
A reading from
the book Genesis.
the Book of the Exodus.
the book Leviticus.
the book Numbers.
the book Deuteronomy.
the Book of Joshua.
the book Judges.
the Book of Ruth.
the First Book of Samuel.
the Second Book of Samuel.
the First Book of the Kings.
the Second Book of the Kings.
the First Book of the Chronicles.
the Second Book of the Chronicles.
the Book of Ezra.
the Book of Nehemiah.
the Book of Esther.
the Book of Job.
the Psalms of David.
the book Proverbs.
the book Ecclesiastes.
the Song of Solomon.
the prophecy of Isaiah.
the prophecy of Jeremiah.
the Lamentations of Jeremiah.
the prophecy of Ezekiel.
the Book of Daniel.
the prophecy of Hosea.
the prophecy of Joel.
the prophecy of Amos.
the prophecy of Obadiah.
the Book of Jonah.
the prophecy of Micah.
the prophecy of Nahum.
the prophecy of Habakkuk.
the prophecy of Zephaniah.
the Book of Haggai.
the prophecy of Zechariah.
the prophecy of Malachi.
A reading from
the Book of Tobit.
the Book of Judith.
the Book of Esther (in the Apocrypha).
the Wisdom of Solomon.
the book Ecclesiasticus.
the Book of Baruch.
the Letter of Jeremiah.
the Prayer of Azariah.
the Book of Susanna.
the book of Bel and the Dragon.
the First Book of the Maccabees.
the Second Book of the Maccabees.
the First Book of Esdras.
the Prayer of Manasseh.
Psalm 151 (in the Apocrypha).
the Third Book of the Maccabees.
the Second Book of Esdras.
the Fourth Book of the Maccabees.
Hear the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ according to
or: A reading from the gospel according to
A reading from
the Acts of the Apostles.
A reading from
the Letter of Paul to the Romans.
the First Letter of Paul to the Corinthians.
the Second Letter of Paul to the Corinthians.
the Letter of Paul to the Galatians.
the Letter of Paul to the Ephesians.
the Letter of Paul to the Philippians.
the Letter of Paul to the Colossians.
the First Letter of Paul to the Thessalonians.
the Second letter of Paul to the Thessalonians.
the First Letter of Paul to Timothy.
the Second Letter of Paul to Timothy.
the Letter of Paul to Titus.
the Letter of Paul to Philemon.
the Letter to the Hebrews.
the Letter of James.
the First Letter of Peter.
the Second Letter of Peter.
the First Letter of John.
the Second Letter of John.
the Third Letter of John.
the Letter of Jude.
the Revelation to John.
These announcements were compiled by the Revd Canon Dr John Sweet (1927–2009) at the request of Br Tristam SSF (1946–2002), who used them in his lectionary volumes Exciting Holiness, The Word of the Lord, and The Gospel of the Lord. Canon Sweet, a Fellow of Selwyn College Cambridge and a distinguished New Testament Scholar, was also New Testament adviser to the Liturgical Commission.
Two small changes have been made from Canon Sweet’s list. The words “in the apocrypha” have been bracketted and italicized in two instances; and “A reading from the gospel of” has been altered to “A reading from the gospel according to” – this form is used only when a gospel passage is read outside the Eucharist. At the Eucharist the form “Hear the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ according to” is used.